MT Coaching

About Mind Tree Coaching

Mind Tree Coaching is a coaching and professional training company.


Our mind is like a tree: The roots connect us to the past, the culture, the personal resources that nourish and revitalise us. The trunk is the strength to grow, the life path, it endures bad weather and flourishes with the sun. It provides a safe space for those surrounding it, with shade and fruit, and it spreads well-being. The branches represent the world of possibilities, the freedom to choose new paths and new directions, openness towards the future and the possibility of change, growth, and development.


At Mind Tree Coaching we believe that people do the best they can, with the resources they have, at a given moment in time and in a given context. For sustainable change, and to be able to do even better, we sometimes need to activate and increase our resources, and intervene in our context, in a defined time frame.


Our mission is to accompany our clients on this path.

Dream big, act bigger!

If there were ever a time to dare,

to make a difference,

to embark on something worth doing,

it is now.


Not for any grand cause, necessarily —

but for something that tugs at your heart

something that’s your dream.

You owe it to yourself

to make your days here count.

Have fun.
Dig deep.



Dream big.


Know, though, that things worth doing

seldom come easy.

There will be good days.

And there will be bad days.

There will be days when you want to turn around,

pack it up,

and call it quits.

Those times tell you

that you are pushing yourself,

that you are not afraid to learn by trying.




Because with an idea,


and the right tools,

you can do great things.

Let your instincts,

your intellect,

and your heart

guide you.




Believe in the incredible power of the human mind.

Of doing something that makes a difference.

Of working hard.

Of laughing and hoping.

Of lazy afternoons.

Of lasting friends.

Of all the things that will cross your path this year.


The start of something new

brings the hope of something great.

Anything is possible.

There is only you.

And you will only pass this way once.

Do it right.


Author unknown

Our slogan represents our mission and vision of the world. We believe, like the Portuguese poet António Gedeão, that dreams command life, and that whenever a man dreams, the world bounces forward.

Eles não sabem que o sonho

é uma constante da vida

tão concreta e definida

como outra coisa qualquer,

como esta pedra cinzenta

em que me sento e descanso,

como este ribeiro manso

em serenos sobressaltos,

como estes pinheiros altos

que em verde e oiro se agitam,

como estas aves que gritam

em bebedeiras de azul.

Eles não sabem que o sonho

é vinho, é espuma, é fermento,

bichinho álacre e sedento,

de focinho pontiagudo,

que fossa através de tudo

num perpétuo movimento.

Eles não sabem que o sonho é

tela, é cor, é pincel,

base, fuste, capitel,

arco em ogiva, vitral,

pináculo de catedral,

contraponto, sinfonia,

máscara grega, magia,

que é retorta de alquimista,

mapa do mundo distante,

rosa-dos-ventos, Infante,

caravela quinhentista,

que é Cabo da Boa Esperança,

ouro, canela, marfim,

florete de espadachim,

bastidor, passo de dança,

Colombina e Arlequim,

passarola voadora,

pára-raios, locomotiva,

barco de proa festiva,

alto-forno, geradora,

cisão do átomo, radar,

ultra-som, televisão,

desembarque em foguetão

na superfície lunar.

Eles não sabem, nem sonham,

que o sonho comanda a vida.

Que sempre que um homem sonha

o mundo pula e avança

como bola colorida

entre as mãos de uma criança.


António Gedeão

But dreaming alone is not enough. For the “world to bounce forward”, we need to act. We must identify our strengths, overcome our weaknesses, define a plan, and take action.


May our actions be even bigger than our dreams!

Alexandra Neves

First of all, my passion is personal development.


My background is Social and Organizational Psychology and Human Resources, and I have a career of more than 20 years in training. I am a certified coach (ACC by ICF) since 2017, and Master practicioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.


My aim is to inspire people to take the reins of their life, to be happier, more positive, to realise their full potential and to move forward in achieving their goals.

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Mind Tree Coaching is committed to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through our focus on Quality Education, Good Health and Well-being and Gender Equality.